Sukkot 2024 info…Please read carefully!
Goodness how this past year has flown by and we are already preparing for Sukkot. We have been so excited to watch our Sukkot continue to grow with each year. From activities, to teachers, as well as enlarging our camping area, it seems each year our Sukkot continues to expand and we could be be more EXCITED!!! Obviously with growth, adjustments need to be made, specifically with how we handle registrations and costs for our Sukkot. 
This year, Sukkot has fallen on a Wednesday to Wednesday, which has caused us to really focus on scheduling. Our Sukkot committee came together and felt that in order to make a better experience for everyone, as well allow enough time for all that we are wanting to do, we needed to add an extra day behind Simchat Torah and close out on Shabbat, October 26th. That means our Sukkot will kick off Wednesday evening, October 16th, continue through Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah on the 24th/25th, and finish out that Shabbat on the 26th. That is 10 days of Sukkot AWESOMENESS!!!  
One thing that we have been told over and over is how affordable our Sukkot is. We know that many of you are on a tight budget and while that is in the forefront of our minds, the fact of the matter is, putting on something of this size for community to come together to celebrate, costs money. 
Registration Fee: Breakdown for the registration fees are as follows: $25 single/$50 couple/$100 for families. These fees help us to cover costs of the Sukkah, the tent for meals/classes, kids activities, adult activities, Sukkot welcome bags/supplies, etc. This fee is required upfront to hold your spot for Sukkot.
As mentioned before, our number of campers continue to grow each year. Because of this we have expanded our camping area, increased our electricity accessible areas, and brought in shower/restroom trailers to accommodate the numbers. We also realize that many are no able to camp the whole week, but just on the weekend and have altered our lodging fees accordingly. 
Weekends Only                                 Entire Sukkot
Single – $50 (1 spot)                        Single  –  $75 (1 spot)
Couples – $75 (1 spot)                     Couples- $100 (1 spot)
Families – $100.00 (2 spots)            Families – $150 (2 spots)
*** Sukkah does not count towards a spot. Extra spots are $10 each.           
These fees help cover the cost of utilities usage, facility usage, stocking/restocking of facilities, cleaning of facilities, as well as any lawn maintenance needed to be done after you leave. They also go towards extra bathroom/shower trailers (if needed).  Please remember to bring your own toiletries, towels, as well as power cords. ALSO, make sure that seasonal items that you bring to camp (ex. heaters), are regulated FOR camping. The last thing we want to do is have a campground of tripped breakers. 
We have the TREMENDOUS blessing of having a family that offers their home and land to us every year, hosting our Sukkot. Our main rule when it comes to camping is to “leave it better than you found it”. YOU will be responsible for cleaning up after yourself. We want to make sure we treat their property with respect and that they WANT to invite us back next year!!!        
We recognize and understand that for some, camping is out of the question. We have several hotels and RV Parks that are within 15-20 minutes drive of our Sukkot campground. Below are the locations and phone numbers for you to connect you with those hotels. 
Best Western Plus DeRidder Inns and Suites Quality Inn and Suites
(337) 460-2066       (337) 462-0022
Happy Days Rv Resort Pecan Acres RV Park
(337) 396-7427       (337) 462-9999
We do also have local Airbnb’s that you can stay in. Just search DeRidder, LA at and you will find several to choose from.
Last year we decided to change up our schedule and everyone seemed to enjoy it. So we will continue with this year, breakfasts and lunches will be YOUR responsibility. We have gas stations just minutes away for you to refill ice chests as needed as well as Walmart that is just 15 minutes away for your grocery run. At this time we will not have a community kitchen for you to use, so keep that in mind when planning your meals. 
For the nighttime meals, OAM will be providing the dinners as well as a Pancake Breakfast the second Friday of the week. Attached to this registration is a menu list of the meals that will be provided during Sukkot. You will have the option of eating with the group or if you prefer to cook your own dinner, that is fine as well. 
This year, we will be handling our “meal tickets” a little differently. There will be a total of 11 meals that OAM will be providing. Each meal will cost $10, that comes with entree, sides, salad, dessert, and drink. We also realize that not everyone will be able to join us for each meal, so the food costs will be broken down as follows. If you choose to eat with us the entire time, it will be a flat rate of $100 per person (ages 10 and up). Children 9 and under eat for free. On the meal section of the registration form, please check which meals you will be joining in with us, number of people for that meal, and multiply accordingly.
Last year we did something a little different with our t-shirts and everyone loved it. There was so much positive feed back about the tie dye option, that we decided to bring it back. We understand that this may not be something that all of our adults will be interested in doing, so for our adults, we will have separate shirts for the adults to order. For the adults, the shirt will be a chosen color with our Sukkot logo. The kids will have a plain white shirt, with logo, that they will be able to tie-dye with their chosen colors. We will have a tie-dye station set up for them to do their shirts during Sukkot. If any of our adults would like to tie dye a shirt, you can do that as well, just order your size in the “kids shirts” section. Also, per request, we will be sure to have adult sizes available for tie-dying as well!
A couple years ago, we introduced a new event, OAM Chili Cook-Off and we have had a BLAST each year doing it. The competition, the bragging rights, the bartering for votes…it has been one of the highlights of our Sukkot. This year however, we will be changing up the theme for our annual Sukkot Cook-Off. This year’s theme will be “Spankin’ Sliders”.
Want to participate? What do you have to do? The guidelines are BROAD for this competition in that they can be chicken to beef. They can be hamburger sliders to Philly cheesesteak. Maybe you make a mean Buffalo Chicken slider or an Asian style slider. Your options are unlimited, except to make sure we keep our ingredients clean, meaning no pork, seafood, catfish, rabbit, etc. (if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask). The slider cook off will take place on Sunday evening, October, 20th. Each competitor will make enough sliders for the camp (we will have a total for you by then). We (OAM) will provide the plates, drinks, and sides for the meal. All you have to focus on are the sliders. If you choose to compete, please check the box beside “Slider Cook-Off”.
Do YOU have what it takes to earn the title of Spankin’ Slider Champ?
Ladies Margaritas and Cocktails
Something special for the ladies. Each year, we have a time set aside for all of the ladies to come together, to relax, and enjoy some “girl time”. This year, we have some new faces that have taken on the task of making delicious drinks to enjoy, and so far they are knocking it out of the park! During this time together, you will be presented with 6 different types of drinks to try and snacks to munch on as well. To help offset their costs, we will be charging a $15 fee for each one who wants to participate. Make sure to check the box if you will be joining in.
Suds and Buds
Men, last year our guys had an AWESOME time with their bourbon tasting. We STILL are hearing stories about their “Guys Night”. This year, they have decided to change it up a bit with “Suds and Buds”. This year, for those who would like to participate, we ask that you bring one of your favorites to share. From whiskey to beer, if it is something you consider a must have for a “Guys Night”, then bring it! Want to join in??? Make sure to check the box.
Moonshine and Mixers
Last year was our first “Moonshine and Mixers” and we can’t say enough about that night. It was definitely one for the books and has now become a tradition of our OAM Sukkot. This event is for both guys and gals. It is a time where P.J. and Heather put on the title of “bartender” and let the fun begin!!! From straight moonshine to mixed drinks, there is a little something for everyone but definitely a great time will be had by all. There will be a $20 charge per person for the tasting. Make sure to check the box and let us know if you will be joining. We promise you, it will be a blast!!!
Water Activities
Every year we do our best to keep our kids busy and entertained. From water balloons, tarps/sprinklers, to giant waterslides (the final weekend), your littles will stay wet and busy. So make sure to bring sun tan lotion, swimsuits, and beach towels!
Ladies Crafts
Ladies crafting time has always been a favorite of our Sukkot. We have some new faces taking this on as well this year and have been working on craft ideas since March!!! We will have a total of 4 crafting sessions for you to participate in. This year’s crafts consist of decorating Shabbat candles, party tumblers, flower pressed lanterns, and an extra special craft session surprise. Don’t consider yourself very “crafty”? No problem! These projects are simple, easy, and things you will be able to do on your own later on. There IS a fee of $20 to participate in the crafts. This will cover all of the supplies needed for the crafts. Make sure to let us know if you will be joining us for the crafts and check the box.
Break-Out Sessions
You will see on the schedule where we have designated times for men and ladies break out sessions. These are times for the guys and gals to separate and enjoy topics and discussion that are focused towards them. We also will be adding this year a couple of break out sessions where we all come together and have a round table/Q&A type session. We are really excited about these sessions as we have some pretty incredible teachers here at OAM and we know they are going to both challenge and encourage you during this week.
Night Times
Each night after services, especially for those camping, is the perfect time to relax, unwind, and just enjoy being with family. For those nights, we also love to bring out the cards and dominos. This year, we also have had the suggestion of a “Minute to Win It” night as well as a “Karaoke” night. One thing is for sure, memories will definitely be made during Sukkot.
First, fill out the Registration portion and turn it in WITH your registration fees. We will NOT hold a spot for you without the registration fees. Spaces ARE limited, so you will want to take care of that soon. ALSO, MAKE SURE to keep the information part of this packet for yourself. The remaining part of your Sukkot fees (camping, food, activities) will be due NO LATER than Oct. 1st. We want to be able to feed you and we are sure you are going to want to eat, as well as participate in our activities, so make sure to get your payments turned in so we can buy necessary items to make your Sukkot absolutely amazing!!! 
If you have any questions, concerns, or need more information, please do not hesitate to connect with us!

 T-shirt Info

Click on the shirt design above to be taken to the order page. Pay for your shirt(s) and they will be shipped to OAM. We will have them for you at Sukkot.