Aug 12, 2020

IBR Ep 37- The Silent Years: Herodians & Essenes
By: Joe Aymond
Series: Image Bearers Radio
In this episode, we continue our talk through the five main Jewish reactions to Hellenism during the Silent Years. Carrying on from last week's discussion on the Saducees, this week we are covering the Herodians & Essenes.
- Aug 12, 2020IBR Ep 37- The Silent Years: Herodians & Essenes
Aug 12, 2020IBR Ep 37- The Silent Years: Herodians & EssenesBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioIn this episode, we continue our talk through the five main Jewish reactions to Hellenism during the Silent Years. Carrying on from last week's discussion on the Saducees, this week we are covering the Herodians & Essenes.
- Aug 9, 2020The Gospel of the Kingdom: Gospel Overview- Luke & John
Aug 9, 2020The Gospel of the Kingdom: Gospel Overview- Luke & JohnBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Gospel SeriesIn this week's Shabbat teaching, we continue our Gospel Overview by discussing the perspective and agenda of Luke & John.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - Aug 6, 2020IBR Ep 36- The Silent Years: Sadducees
Aug 6, 2020IBR Ep 36- The Silent Years: SadduceesBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioIn this episode of IBR, we continue our walk through the “silent years” by beginning to discuss the five major Jewish responses to Hellensim. The first response we will discuss is the Sadducees. This history is absolutely crucial to understanding Yeshua’s criticism of this group in our Gospel accounts.
- Aug 2, 2020The Gospel of the Kingdom: Gospel Overview- Matthew & Mark
Aug 2, 2020The Gospel of the Kingdom: Gospel Overview- Matthew & MarkBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Gospel SeriesWe have covered much of the Biblical story in the last several months, all in an effort to re-approach and rethink the Gospel of the Kingdom. This week we will overview the four Gospel accounts and seek to understand the purpose of each account.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - Jul 30, 2020IBR Ep 35- The Silent Years: Welcome to Hellensim
Jul 30, 2020IBR Ep 35- The Silent Years: Welcome to HellensimBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioMany of us have heard the term “Hellenism” or “Hellenistic”, but how many of us know how Hellenism came about and how this worldview changed the world? In this episode, we introduce the beginnings of Hellenism and build a foundation for future episodes in how Hellenism affected the world of Judaism.
- Jul 23, 2020IBR Ep 34- The Silent Years: Synagogue
Jul 23, 2020IBR Ep 34- The Silent Years: SynagogueBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioIn this episode we begin our discussion of the Silent Years talking about the genesis of synagogue and the Jewish education system in the 2-3 centuries prior to and 1st century, during the time of Messiah.
- Jul 23, 2020IBR Ep 33- Intro to the “Silent Years”, the Story Thus Far
Jul 23, 2020IBR Ep 33- Intro to the “Silent Years”, the Story Thus FarBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioDuring the next several episodes we are going to be preparing to approach the Gospel accounts. Before we get there, though, we want to have an understanding of the Israel our Messiah is born in to. For that, we have to spend some time in the so-called "Silent Years". This episode is a refresher of the Biblical story so far, preparing us for our next several episodes.
- Jul 23, 2020IBR Ep 32- Rescuing Israel from Eden
Jul 23, 2020IBR Ep 32- Rescuing Israel from EdenBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioUnder King David, Israel experienced its golden age. The New Eden was being realized and the promises from Adam through Abraham's family were being enjoyed by the promised people of God. Under King Solomon, something tragic happened that would necessitate God rescuing Eden from Israel. In this episode, we talk about these monumental events and what part they played in the history of Israel.
- Jul 18, 2020The History of the Bible
Jul 18, 2020The History of the BibleBy: Kyle SylvestSeries: General TeachingsWhat is the Bible? How did we get this book that is the center of our very existence? How are we supposed to read, think about, and live it? Join Joe & Kyle for a unique discussion on our perfectly wonderful and fascinating Bible.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - Jul 6, 2020The Silent Years- Part 6: They Are Us
Jul 6, 2020The Silent Years- Part 6: They Are UsBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Silent YearsOver the last several weeks we have examined the five Jewish reactions to the changing world of Hellenism prior to the first century. We have looked at the positives and negatives of each group and asked how their world views would affect the first century & the life and ministry of Yeshua.This week, we turn the focus to us. We will not only ask the question of which group we align most with, but how do we possibly show characteristics of each group, both positive & negative. After all, they are us.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - Jun 27, 2020The Silent Years- Part 5: Pharisees
Jun 27, 2020The Silent Years- Part 5: PhariseesBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Silent YearsOf the 5 reactions to Hellenism in and before the 1st Century, the Pharisees may be the most misunderstood. They show up regularly in our gospels but how much do we know about them? Where did they come from? What was their view on Greco-Roman occupation? What was their view of Yeshua? This week we look at the intriguing world of the Pharisees.
- Jun 17, 2020IBR Ep 31- Moshe to David, Empire to Shalom
Jun 17, 2020IBR Ep 31- Moshe to David, Empire to ShalomBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioIn this week's episode, we reach back to wrap up last week's episode and continue the conversation around why Moshe was denied entrance into the Promised Land. In the second segment we move from Moshe to King David. We explore some powerful Eden language and see how King David is a new Adam, bringing a new Eden.Listen LIVE on Hebrew Nation Online
- Jun 13, 2020The Silent Years: Part 4- Essenes, Zealots, & Pharisees
Jun 13, 2020The Silent Years: Part 4- Essenes, Zealots, & PhariseesBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Silent YearsEssenes, Zealots, Pharisees. This week we continue to look at the major Jewish reactions to the introduction of Hellenism and the changing world of 1st Century Judaism.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - Jun 10, 2020IBR Ep 30- Moshe and the Tests of the Desert
Jun 10, 2020IBR Ep 30- Moshe and the Tests of the DesertBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioThere has been much speculation about why Moshe was not allowed into the Promised Land. In this episode, we look at a different perspective and consider another option for answering this timeless mystery.
- Jun 8, 2020The Silent Years- Part 3: Sadducees & Herodians
Jun 8, 2020The Silent Years- Part 3: Sadducees & HerodiansBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Silent YearsIt is vitally important to understand the culture into which Yeshua Messiah was born and did His ministry. This week, we begin to look at the 5 major groups of Jewish culture in the First Century.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - Jun 3, 2020IBR Ep 29- Lessons in the Desert III
Jun 3, 2020IBR Ep 29- Lessons in the Desert IIIBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioIn the final part of our walk through the desert, we wrap up our discussion on the common trees we find in the desert and turn our attention to the one who calls the desert home…the shepherd.
- Jun 3, 2020IBR Ep 28- Lessons in the Desert II
Jun 3, 2020IBR Ep 28- Lessons in the Desert IIBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioThis week we continue to walk through the desert and become acquainted with its features, as it is the world of the Biblical authors. In this episode we will start to look at a few types of trees that are featured throughout the text.
- Jun 1, 2020The Silent Years- Part 2: Hellenism
Jun 1, 2020The Silent Years- Part 2: HellenismBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Silent YearsA few centuries prior to the coming of Yeshua, a major shift in worldview pervaded the Jewish world. This worldview, called Hellenism, was systematized by Alexander the Great and further spread after his death. Hellenism was Alexander's gospel and he believed it was the answer to all of creation's ills. Today, we will take a brief and introductory look into Hellenism and how it shifted the traditional, ancient understandings of where God and man are placed in creation.
- May 30, 2020Shavuot 2020
May 30, 2020Shavuot 2020By: Joe AymondSeries: Moed'imShavuot may be one of the most mysterious and yes, most misunderstood feasts given to Israel. In this Shavuot teaching, we look at this beautiful appointed time through a modern lens and seek to hear how it speaks to our modern state of affairs.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - May 26, 2020The Silent Years- Part 1: Synagogue
May 26, 2020The Silent Years- Part 1: SynagogueBy: Joe AymondSeries: The Silent YearsThe blank page in most of our Bibles is the root of much mystery and intrigue. The intertestamental period has commonly been called the "Silent Years". What happened during this period of time? Was God silent? In this mini-series we are going to discuss how this mysterious time period sets up the coming of the Kingdom through Yeshua Messiah.Additional Resources:
BEMA Discipleship Podcast our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - May 25, 2020IBR Ep 27- Lessons in the Desert I
May 25, 2020IBR Ep 27- Lessons in the Desert IBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers Radio
"Becoming a People of the Ears I"
God has chosen a new Adam once again...Israel, His first born. God lead Israel out into the desert where He gives His commandments at Mount Sinai and instructs them to build the Tabernacle. It's all a wonderful story up until now, but why the desert? What does the desert teach us that other places cannot? Today, we will begin a discussion on the "Becoming a People of the Ears".
- May 25, 2020IBR Ep 26- Vayikra “And He Called”
May 25, 2020IBR Ep 26- Vayikra “And He Called”By: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioAs most of us coming from a Christian background, I largely avoided the book of Leviticus. Over the last several years of my journey learning Torah, Vayikra has become my favorite book of Torah. In this week’s episode, we discuss this beautiful work of Scripture and how it is necessary for every believer.
- May 9, 2020King David and the New Eden
May 9, 2020King David and the New EdenBy: Joe AymondSeries: GenesisIn this week's teaching, we are carrying forward in our Genesis Series with King David and the New Eden, Jerusalem. We will see how God's plan for restoration continues in King David and we will look forward to Messiah through the prophet Isaiah.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected] - May 4, 2020IBR Ep 25- The Tabernacle: The New Garden of Eden
May 4, 2020IBR Ep 25- The Tabernacle: The New Garden of EdenBy: Joe AymondSeries: Image Bearers RadioWelcome to this episode of Image Bearers' Radio where we take a brief look at the Tabernacle. We saw in Moses & Israel new Adam figures, returning from exile. What does an Adam need but a garden? The Tabernacle is a recreation of the sacred space of the Garden of Eden and is intended to remind us of what life with God is supposed to look like...and can!
- May 3, 2020Lessons in the Desert: The Battle of the Sticks
May 3, 2020Lessons in the Desert: The Battle of the SticksBy: Joe AymondSeries: GenesisDo you have some ideas concerning why Moses wasn't able to enter the Promised Land? How could this great prophet and man of God, after all of his faithfulness, not enjoy the promise? In today's teaching we will consider a possibility through the lens of Empire vs Shalom.Visit our website:
Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching:
Contact Us: [email protected]