Jun 3, 2020
IBR Ep 29- Lessons in the Desert III
In the final part of our walk through the desert, we wrap up our discussion on the common trees we find in the desert and turn our attention to the one who calls the desert home…the shepherd.
  • Jun 3, 2020IBR Ep 29- Lessons in the Desert III
    Jun 3, 2020
    IBR Ep 29- Lessons in the Desert III
    In the final part of our walk through the desert, we wrap up our discussion on the common trees we find in the desert and turn our attention to the one who calls the desert home…the shepherd.
  • Jun 3, 2020IBR Ep 28- Lessons in the Desert II
    Jun 3, 2020
    IBR Ep 28- Lessons in the Desert II
    This week we continue to walk through the desert and become acquainted with its features, as it is the world of the Biblical authors. In this episode we will start to look at a few types of trees that are featured throughout the text.
  • May 25, 2020IBR Ep 27- Lessons in the Desert I
    May 25, 2020
    IBR Ep 27- Lessons in the Desert I

    "Becoming a People of the Ears I"

    God has chosen a new Adam once again...Israel, His first born. God lead Israel out into the desert where He gives His commandments at Mount Sinai and instructs them to build the Tabernacle. It's all a wonderful story up until now, but why the desert? What does the desert teach us that other places cannot? Today, we will begin a discussion on the "Becoming a People of the Ears".

  • May 25, 2020IBR Ep 26- Vayikra “And He Called”
    May 25, 2020
    IBR Ep 26- Vayikra “And He Called”
    As most of us coming from a Christian background, I largely avoided the book of Leviticus. Over the last several years of my journey learning Torah, Vayikra has become my favorite book of Torah. In this week’s episode, we discuss this beautiful work of Scripture and how it is necessary for every believer.
  • May 4, 2020IBR Ep 25- The Tabernacle: The New Garden of Eden
    May 4, 2020
    IBR Ep 25- The Tabernacle: The New Garden of Eden
    Welcome to this episode of Image Bearers' Radio where we take a brief look at the Tabernacle. We saw in Moses & Israel new Adam figures, returning from exile. What does an Adam need but a garden? The Tabernacle is a recreation of the sacred space of the Garden of Eden and is intended to remind us of what life with God is supposed to look like...and can!
  • Apr 27, 2020IBR Ep 24- Moses & Israel: Deliverance & New Creation
    Apr 27, 2020
    IBR Ep 24- Moses & Israel: Deliverance & New Creation
    In this week's episode, we are talking about the similarities between Moses' calling to be the deliverer of Israel and the journey of Israel itself out of Egypt. As we read the Exodus narrative with the eyes of the Genesis 1-3, we see some beautiful themes that point us back to God's sustaining intention for mankind...to be His image.
  • Apr 20, 2020IBR Ep 23- A New Adam, Moses
    Apr 20, 2020
    IBR Ep 23- A New Adam, Moses
    In this episode we are moving on from Avraham and looking at the next major Adam-like figure in the Bible, Moses. As we read the story of Moses through the lens of Genesis 1-3, we see many interesting correlations. We hear the text harkening back to the beginning of the Bible and Moses emerge as a new Adam.
  • Apr 8, 2020IBR Ep 22- Dismantling the Etz Da’at
    Apr 8, 2020
    IBR Ep 22- Dismantling the Etz Da’at
    This week we wrap up our discussion of Avraham with the climax of his story…the Akeidah, the Binding of Isaac. Throughout his life, Avraham experienced 10 tests. By now, it should be no surprise that each of these tests include familiar imagery, especially that of trees and high places. As we look into this passage, what would we expect to see but the Biblical writers using the same images to tell one cohesive story. As a final test, Avraham once and for all dismantles one tree in his life. We have watched him grow in wisdom. He has passed his final test and chosen life.
  • Apr 1, 2020IBR Ep 21- Growing in Wisdom
    Apr 1, 2020
    IBR Ep 21- Growing in Wisdom
    Our #1 priority is to bear the image of God well. Often times we are faced with difficult decisions. The constant push and pull of waiting on God verses taking steps that God can bless can be a daunting and tiring existence. What happens if we then make a misstep and it seems that everything is falling in around us? How are we to think about these things? In this week’s episode, we again turn to the life of Abram and see how he, in his new calling to represent God to the nations, deals with disappointment and mistakes.
  • Mar 25, 2020IBR Ep 20- God’s Reputation: The Believer’s Highest Priority
    Mar 25, 2020
    IBR Ep 20- God’s Reputation: The Believer’s Highest Priority
    This week we’re taking a break from our regularly scheduled series on Genesis. This episode is devoted to addressing our responsibility as believers in this tumultuous time. If we are called the children of God, then we no longer represent ourselves. We now bear His Name, even in times of crisis, upheaval, confusion, and tragedy. What does that mean and what does that look like? As His children, representing our Creator is our greatest responsibility.
  • Mar 18, 2020IBR Ep 19- Abram’s Journey Begins
    Mar 18, 2020
    IBR Ep 19- Abram’s Journey Begins
    When we met Abram, we met a man who was more concerned about the name of others than his own. This week, we see some striking similarities between Abram and Adam. How does God speak to Abram? How does Abram follow? What does this tell us about what it means to bear God's image?
  • Mar 11, 2020IBR Ep 18- Why Abram?
    Mar 11, 2020
    IBR Ep 18- Why Abram?
    Of course we all know the grand stories of father Abraham, but have you ever asked yourself, "Why Abram?" As we read the Biblical narrative, we know that we are expecting a seed that will undo what was done in Gan Eden and restore us to the Ets Chaim. Out of the chaos of the Tower of Babel, a man named Abram is called to partner with God, to represent Him to the world, to bring His blessing on humanity, to be a new Adam. But why Abram? Tucked away in a small segment of a genealogy we have a fascinating clue.
    Listen live weekly at Hebrew Nation Online
  • Mar 4, 2020IBR Ep 17- The Tower of Babel
    Mar 4, 2020
    IBR Ep 17- The Tower of Babel
    Moving on from Noah and the Flood, we find ourselves at an obscure story...the Tower of Babel. There is much speculation surrounding languages, ethnicities, and races that all stem from wrestling with the Tower of Babel story. Is there something else here? Why is this story here? What can we see from our re-reading of Genesis that breathes new life into this narrative?
    Listen live at Hebrew Nation Online
  • Feb 26, 2020IBR Ep 16- Noah, The Promised Seed?
    Feb 26, 2020
    IBR Ep 16- Noah, The Promised Seed?
    In this week’s episode, we continue our walk through the flood narrative and the story of Noah. Noah’s story is full of Eden imagery, including chaotic water, trees, mountain tops, and priestly functions. The Flood narrative is not a story of cosmic destruction by the hands of a blood thirsty God. Rather, it is the beautiful recreation & reordering of God’s sacred space, where He chooses to dwell with His creation. Is Noah the promised seed of Adam & Chavah that will crush the serpent’s head? Is Noah the one who will bring the full blessing of the Kingdom of God to the earth and restore Eden? Let’s find out together!
  • Feb 19, 2020IBR Ep 15- The Restoration Through Noah
    Feb 19, 2020
    IBR Ep 15- The Restoration Through Noah
    In this episode, we are going to look at the story of Noah. Since Adam & Chavah’s exile from the garden, Chavah was promised a seed that would crush the serpent’s head, bringing restoration of mankind back to the Garden. As we look at Noah’s story in a different light, we begin to see the patterns and themes of Genesis emerging once again. What message should we be getting from the story of Noah? This episode is a beginning of the discussion of the restoration through Noah.
  • Feb 16, 2020IBR Ep 14- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 3)
    Feb 16, 2020
    IBR Ep 14- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 3)
    This week, Kyle and Joe wrap up their three week discussion on the theme of exile and hope in the Biblical narrative. We are devoting this episode to exile language in the Gospels. Over the last couple of weeks, we have developed an “exile vocabulary” that will enable to read the words of Yeshua Messiah on a whole new level. Yeshua’s words and interactions throughout the Gospels are not haphazard, but are very specific and full of purpose as He harkens back to the words of the Nevi’im (Prophets) and begins the restoration back from exile.
  • Feb 5, 2020IBR Ep 13- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 2)
    Feb 5, 2020
    IBR Ep 13- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 2)
    In last week’s episode, Kyle Sylvest and I dove into the topic of exile as a theme in Scripture. We established a basic exile vocabulary that can help us to read the Bible better. In this week’s episode, Kyle joins me again and we look at how this exile language is can be seen in the prophets.
    These podcasts can also be heard LIVE each Wednesday and Friday on Hebrew Nation Online
  • Jan 26, 2020IBR Ep 12- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 1)
    Jan 26, 2020
    IBR Ep 12- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 1)
    In the last couple of episodes, we have begun to dig into the theme of exile in Scripture. For the next three weeks, I have the privilege of having my good friend, Kyle Sylvest with me as we further discuss what exile looks like and why it’s important to the Biblical narrative.
  • Jan 23, 2020IBR Ep 11- Exile and Death
    Jan 23, 2020
    IBR Ep 11- Exile and Death
    When thinking through the main ideas and themes of Scripture, most don’t consider the theme of exile as a major Biblical idea. However, beginning in Genesis, woven through the whole of the Hebrew Bible, and throughout the New Testament, the theme of exile can be seen as the lens through which the Scriptures were written and interpreted. What is exile and death in a Biblical sense? Is the Bible and its Hebrew writers concerned with physical death or something different? What does exile have to do with death? We will tackle these fascinating topics in today’s episode.
  • Jan 23, 2020IBR Ep 10- Exile from the Garden
    Jan 23, 2020
    IBR Ep 10- Exile from the Garden
    As we continue our journey through the beginning chapters of Genesis, we come to the climax of the Garden narrative. Adam and Eve are banished from the Tree of Life and sent away as a result of their disobedience and disloyalty to HaShem’s instructions. Today, we’re going to begin looking at the over-arching theme of exile that begins here in the opening chapters of the Scriptures.
  • Jan 3, 2020IBR Ep 9- Two Trees and Forbidden Fruit
    Jan 3, 2020
    IBR Ep 9- Two Trees and Forbidden Fruit
    Shalom everyone. In this episode, we continue our walk through the first few chapters of Genesis by picking up where we left off in last week's discussion. Genesis 2 & 3 provide some interesting reading in the form of a talking snake, trees, and some sort of forbidden fruit. Are we expected to read this as a Snow White type of story, where Adam and Eve eat of a magical apple thereby transforming their once immortal and perfect make up into a sin-sick creature? What type of "fruit" was eaten or does it even matter? Is there a bigger story being communicated here? All this and more in today's episode.
  • Dec 18, 2019IBR Ep 8- A Talking Snake?
    Dec 18, 2019
    IBR Ep 8- A Talking Snake?
    As we move through the first few chapters of Genesis, we find ourselves suddenly confronted with "the serpent" in chapter 3. The serpent has no introduction or back story, it simply shows up. Although there are many opinions as to who or what the serpent was, we may find it profitable to ask what the initial and ancient hearers may have understood it to be. Join the conversation as we discuss the serpent...a talking snake or something else?
  • Dec 8, 2019IBR Ep 7- Adam in the Garden
    Dec 8, 2019
    IBR Ep 7- Adam in the Garden
    In Genesis 2, God plants a garden, places the man (Adam) in the garden, and gives Adam a specific function as it relates to the garden. What exactly is the image of the Garden? How are we to understand Adam and his function in this Garden? In this episode, we begin to look at the beautiful message of identity and function being communicated by the ancient writers.
  • Dec 8, 2019IBR Ep 6- Adam
    Dec 8, 2019
    IBR Ep 6- Adam
    What is the message of Genesis 2 and the creation of Adam? Is the creation of Adam & Chavah a re-telling of Day 6 of Creation? Were Adam & Chavah the first human beings? In this episode, we will begin to talk through some of these questions and propose some unique but fitting explanations for your consideration.
  • Nov 24, 2019IBR Ep 5- The Whole Point of Genesis 1
    Nov 24, 2019
    IBR Ep 5- The Whole Point of Genesis 1
    Many times, maybe even most of the time, we see the Creation of Genesis 1 referred to as the “six days of Creation”. In this episode, we will explore the massive trouble and error with seeing the Creation narrative this way. We will propose that if we view the point of Genesis 1 as the six days of Creation, then we have quite possibly missed the entire, glorious, earth-shattering, point of what the author is intended to communicate.