Feb 11, 2022
IBR Ep 89- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 2)
In this episode, we continue our discussion on Emmanuel. While God dwells here in the hearts and lives of His creation and that is cause for joy, it is important for us to remember that God is holy and there are responsibilities that come along with the blessing of His presence.
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  • Feb 11, 2022IBR Ep 89- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 2)
    Feb 11, 2022
    IBR Ep 89- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 2)
    In this episode, we continue our discussion on Emmanuel. While God dwells here in the hearts and lives of His creation and that is cause for joy, it is important for us to remember that God is holy and there are responsibilities that come along with the blessing of His presence.
    Audio Player
  • Jan 27, 2022Laying the Foundation (Part 2)
    Jan 27, 2022
    Laying the Foundation (Part 2)
    In this edition of our "Read the Bible Better" series, we will look broadly at a few Christian & Jewish approach to Scripture, including a brief look Jewish hermeneutics.
  • Jan 9, 2022Laying the Foundation (Part 1)
    Jan 9, 2022
    Laying the Foundation (Part 1)
    In this second teaching of our "Read the Bible Better" series, we are going to be spending some time laying a good foundation for what the Bible is and what we believe about it as the "Word of God".
  • Jan 9, 2022How We Got the Bible (Revisited)
    Jan 9, 2022
    How We Got the Bible (Revisited)
    Expectations. We build our lives on a book, the inspired, authoritative, perfect Word of God. What we believe about this book creates expectations in all of our lives. Isn't it important to know all we can about how the Bible came to be? We believe it is a beautiful and miraculous story of God partnering with humanity to reveal Himself to us.
  • Jan 3, 2022How We Got the Bible (Revisited)
    Jan 3, 2022
    How We Got the Bible (Revisited)
    Expectations. We build our lives on a book, the inspired, authoritative, perfect Word of God. What we believe about this book creates expectations in all of our lives. Isn't it important to know all we can about how the Bible came to be? We believe it is a beautiful and miraculous story of God partnering with humanity to reveal Himself to us.
  • Dec 30, 2021IBR Ep 88- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 1)
    Dec 30, 2021
    IBR Ep 88- The Challenge with Emmanuel (Part 1)
    Emmanuel, God with us. A celebration of hope, strength, faithfulness. But there is another side to the fact that God is with us. In this episode, we look back in Scripture to explore the concept of God being present with His people and what this looks like in the Biblical context. 
  • Dec 30, 2021IBR Ep 87- What Does Daniel have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 2)
    Dec 30, 2021
    IBR Ep 87- What Does Daniel have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 2)
    In this week's episode, we continue our discussion about Daniel's relation to Hanukkah.
  • Dec 30, 2021IBR Ep 86- What does Daniel Have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 1)
    Dec 30, 2021
    IBR Ep 86- What does Daniel Have to do with Hanukkah? (Part 1)
    We don’t often know alot about the time in between the Testaments of our Bibles and there is much misunderstanding surrounding this period. It is a time of incredible upheaval in the Land of Israel and for the Jewish people. This week, we start to take a look at what this period was like and how it affected the life & ministry of Yeshua.
  • Dec 27, 2021The Challenge of Emmanuel
    Dec 27, 2021
    The Challenge of Emmanuel
    Emmanuel. A name, a revelation, an idea, with which we are all familiar. We tend to think, rightly so, of Emmanuel with joy, hope, & celebration but there is another reality of this great advent.
  • Dec 6, 2021The Hanukkah Ethic in the Life of Yeshua
    Dec 6, 2021
    The Hanukkah Ethic in the Life of Yeshua
    The last two weeks, we have taken account of how the events of Hanukkah shaped the culture into which Yeshua was born, lived, and taught.
    This week, we want to dive into how the Hanukkah Ethic should affect us, in our time, and in our culture, as we strive to partner with Yeshua in bringing the Kingdom.
  • Oct 27, 2021IBR Ep 85- Clint & Caoimhe Dunn/Anamchara Ministries
    Oct 27, 2021
    IBR Ep 85- Clint & Caoimhe Dunn/Anamchara Ministries
    Shalom! In this week's episode, we visit with Clint & Caoimhe (Keva) Dunn, the Abbott & Abbess of a Patrician Monastery, Anamchara, located in Washington state. What do you know about St. Patrick? What do you know about Celtic Christianity?Probably much less than you think! Did you know that Patrick taught the "faith of the East"? This is a fascinating discussion!
    We also talk about what Anamchara is doing in its local community and how Clint & Caoimhe are following the Patrician example of hospitality and sacrifice for the Kingdom.
    You can find out more about Anamchara & the Dunn's below:
  • Oct 21, 2021IBR Ep 84- Dr. Dinah Dye- The Temple Revealed in Noah’s Ark: Chaos to Order
    Oct 21, 2021
    IBR Ep 84- Dr. Dinah Dye- The Temple Revealed in Noah’s Ark: Chaos to Order
    This week we are interviewing Dr. Dinah Dye about her newly released book "The Temple Revealed in Noah's Ark: Chaos to Order". This third book in the Temple Revealed Series is an absolute game changer in understanding how we interact with the Biblical text in general and the story of Noah in particular. Please visit the links below to find out more about Dinah's work and to purchase her books.
    Dinah's Website: Foundations in Torah
    Purchase Dinah's books on Amazon
  • Oct 18, 2021Abraham: initiating New Creation
    Oct 18, 2021
    Abraham: initiating New Creation
    The story of the Bible takes an incredible turn in Genesis 12 when we are introduced to a man named Abram. The rest of the Biblical story is built upon this man. But who is he, where did he come from, and what does introduction tell us about what God is doing in the world? Abram is initiating new creation and the world will never be the same because of him.
  • Oct 18, 2021A Heart Like Cain (Part 2)
    Oct 18, 2021
    A Heart Like Cain (Part 2)
    This week we continue our discussion of Cain and Abel. This narrative continues to challenge who we are and how we respond when our reality is challenged. Do we respond as beasts or Image Bearers?
  • Oct 12, 2021IBR Ep 82- Shemini Atzeret and Re-Newed Creation
    Oct 12, 2021
    IBR Ep 82- Shemini Atzeret and Re-Newed Creation
    We pray that everyone had a wonderful Sukkot. In this week’s episode we’re going to to talk about the mysterious 8th day and what it tells us about renewed creation.
  • Oct 12, 2021IBR Ep 81- The Depth of the Names of Sukkot
    Oct 12, 2021
    IBR Ep 81- The Depth of the Names of Sukkot
    As with Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah, Sukkot has multiple names in Scripture. As we study and become familiar these various names, our understanding of this incredible time of year deepens incredibly. Knowing the different characteristics of Sukkot also helps to broaden our understanding of the messages of the Prophets, Yeshua and the Gospel, as well as the images in Revelation. Grab a note book and settle in. Chag Sukkot Sameach!
  • Oct 12, 2021IBR Ep 80- Yom Kippur- The Cleansing of Sacred Space
    Oct 12, 2021
    IBR Ep 80- Yom Kippur- The Cleansing of Sacred Space
    What is the purpose of Yom Kippur? Would it surprise you to hear that Yom Kippur’s primary function was to cleanse the Tabernacle of impurity? But what about our personal and communal sins? In this week’s episode, we dive in to Yom Kippur and see just how much we’ve missed.
  • Oct 12, 2021IBR Ep 79- The Lesser Known Names of Yom Teruah
    Oct 12, 2021
    IBR Ep 79- The Lesser Known Names of Yom Teruah
    This in indeed an amazing time of year, however, Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah is also one of the most mysterious of the festivals. Most know this celeration as Yom Teruah or Rosh Hashanah. But did you know there are other names for this holiday and that it is featured very heavily in the Brit Chadasha? In fact, many of the Pauline Scriptures that we’ve read for years are about this very day and the time in between now and Yom Kippur, the Days of Awe (Yamim Nora’im). Join Joe as he takes us through the Scriptures to see what beautiful depth is in Yom Teruah.
  • Oct 3, 2021A Heart Like Cain
    Oct 3, 2021
    A Heart Like Cain
    We have long read and grappled over the story of Cain and Abel. It just doesn't seem fair that God would reject the best of what Cain had to give. More importantly for us, what does God's rejection of Cain's gift tell us about how God treats our best attempts to live for Him? This week, we dive in to the story of Cain and Abel to see what we may have missed.
  • Sep 13, 2021Yom Kippur- The Cleansing of Sacred Space
    Sep 13, 2021
    Yom Kippur- The Cleansing of Sacred Space
    Series: Moed'im
    We have traditionally held a unique view of forgiveness, that is, that God forgives us of our sin in order to restore fellowship with Him and ultimately gain access to eternal life in heaven. What could be greater than that? What if there was a greater purpose to atonement and forgiveness? In today's teaching on Yom Kippur, we will explore that vastness of atonement and what it means for believers in Yeshua Messiah.
  • Sep 5, 2021The Multifacets of Yom Teruah- Names, Meanings, & Traditions
    Sep 5, 2021
    The Multifacets of Yom Teruah- Names, Meanings, & Traditions
    Series: Moed'im
    Rosh HaShanah/Yom Teruah is absolutely packed with meaning & imagery. Also, it carries with it many mysteries for those who are new to it. Through the various mentions in Scripture, we can begin to understand the meanings of this amazing appointed time.
  • Sep 1, 2021IBR Ep 78- Biblical Scholarship w/Matt Nappier
    Sep 1, 2021
    IBR Ep 78- Biblical Scholarship w/Matt Nappier
    Shalom guys! This week we welcome special guest, Matt Nappier. Matt is a father, pastor, soldier, and Biblical Studies doctoral student. Biblical scholarship is extremely important to our understanding of the context of Scripture and Matt is uniquely qualified to speak on this topic. It is important to let biblical scholarship challenge us and allow it to enrich our faith.
  • Sep 1, 2021IBR Ep 77- The Parable of the Net
    Sep 1, 2021
    IBR Ep 77- The Parable of the Net
    The parables of Yeshua should cause a reaction to their readers. Many times that reaction can and should be visceral. In today’s episode, Joe discusses the Parable of the Net from Matthew 13 and what we should consider taking from it in today’s world.
  • Sep 1, 2021IBR Ep 76- We’re Not Doing Our Job
    Sep 1, 2021
    IBR Ep 76- We’re Not Doing Our Job
    Let’s face it, the world is on fire. What effect has the faith community had on our current events? What have we done to elect and hold accountable our governments? What is the state of our nation and what is our Kingdom part in it? This week’s episode tackles these issues and more.
  • Aug 31, 2021Fishers of Men: Parables of the Kingdom
    Aug 31, 2021
    Fishers of Men: Parables of the Kingdom
    We have all read Yeshua's words about being made "fishers of men". We likely even know the parables about the wheat and the tares and the drag net. So what do these teachings of Yeshua have to do with one another? And more importantly, what do they communicate to us today?