Nov 9, 2019

Genesis Part 3- The Seventh Day
By: Joe Aymond
Series: Genesis
In this week's teaching, we will begin looking at the 7th day of creation, the sabbath day, and how it fits within the narrative story of Genesis 1. We will also discuss how without an acknowledgment and practice of the Sabbath day, our entire view of Scripture will be skewed.
- Nov 9, 2019Genesis Part 3- The Seventh Day
Nov 9, 2019Genesis Part 3- The Seventh DayBy: Joe AymondSeries: GenesisIn this week's teaching, we will begin looking at the 7th day of creation, the sabbath day, and how it fits within the narrative story of Genesis 1. We will also discuss how without an acknowledgment and practice of the Sabbath day, our entire view of Scripture will be skewed.
- Nov 2, 2019Genesis Part 2- Creation…It’s Not What You Think
Nov 2, 2019Genesis Part 2- Creation…It’s Not What You ThinkBy: Joe AymondSeries: GenesisIn today's lesson, we will look at the 7 days of creation and ask different questions than we have traditionally. Is Genesis 1 a scientific "lab report" of the physical creation of the world? Does Genesis 1 tell us about the age of the earth? Or is this creation story about something much, much bigger?
- Oct 28, 2019Genesis: Questions, questions, questions…
Oct 28, 2019Genesis: Questions, questions, questions…This week we begin a new Torah cycle beginning in Genesis. With this new beginning, we will start a new series exploring how all of the Biblical concepts are seeded in the first few chapters of our Bibles.In this first session, we begin before the beginning. How do we think about the Scriptures? Does our western American mindset altar the way we understand our Bibles? How do we come to a closer understanding of the eastern authors and how the Sprit of God inspired them to write? We attempt to shed some light on some of these questions and begin to delve into the first few verses of Genesis.
- Oct 26, 2019Genesis Part 1- Questions, questions, questions…
Oct 26, 2019Genesis Part 1- Questions, questions, questions…By: Joe AymondSeries: GenesisThis week we begin a new Torah cycle beginning in Genesis. With this new beginning, we will start a new series exploring how all of the Biblical concepts are seeded in the first few chapters of our Bibles.In this first session, we begin before the beginning. How do we think about the Scriptures? Does our western American mindset altar the way we understand our Bibles? How do we come to a closer understanding of the eastern authors and how the Sprit of God inspired them to write? We attempt to shed some light on some of these questions and begin to delve into the first few verses of Genesis.
- Oct 5, 2019Yom Kippur 2019
Oct 5, 2019Yom Kippur 2019By: Joe AymondSeries: Moed'imYom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is known as the holiest and most solemn day of the year. But there are some misconceptions about the day that cause some to think of it as a dark and negative day. For the people of God, this is a day of hope and mercy where a new year and a new beginning become a reality!
- Oct 5, 2019Vayelech (He went)
Oct 5, 2019Vayelech (He went)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Vayelech | וילך | He went Torah: Deuteronomy 31:1-31:30 Prophets: Isaiah 55:6-56:8 Gospel: Matthew 21:9-17
- Sep 28, 2019Yom Teruah 2019 (Part 2)
Sep 28, 2019Yom Teruah 2019 (Part 2)By: Joe AymondSeries: Moed'imIn the second part of our two-part series on Yom Teruah, we look into another way Yom Teruah is seen in Scripture and traditionally. The "Day of Judgement" is something we hear and read about in the New Testament, but where did the writers get the ideas associated with Judgement Day? In this teaching, we will see what the Scriptures has to say about this incredible feast day.
- Sep 28, 2019Nitzavim (Standing)
Sep 28, 2019Nitzavim (Standing)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Nitzavim | נצבים | Standing Torah: Deuteronomy 29:9-30:20 Prophets: Isaiah 61:10-63:9 Gospel: John 12:41-50
- Sep 21, 2019Yom Teruah 2019 (Part 1)
Sep 21, 2019Yom Teruah 2019 (Part 1)By: Joe AymondSeries: Moed'imIn this two-part series, we delve into the feast of Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets). Many of the passages of Scripture we read in the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) are without meaning unless we understand this powerful feast. Walk with us as we take a close look at Yom Teruah in this first part.
- Sep 14, 2019Ki Teitzei (When you go forth)
Sep 14, 2019Ki Teitzei (When you go forth)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Ki Teitzei | כי תצא | When you go forth Torah: Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19 Prophets: Isaiah 54:1-10 Gospel: Matthew 24:29-42
- Aug 24, 2019Evek (Consequence/Because)
Aug 24, 2019Evek (Consequence/Because)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Parashat Ekev is filled with some of the most powerful and pertinent passages in the entire Bible. This week we look at parashat Ekev and how it played a huge part in one of the pivotal moments in Yeshua's life.
- Aug 17, 2019Deuteronomy (Devarim) What is it and Why is it in our Bibles?
Aug 17, 2019Deuteronomy (Devarim) What is it and Why is it in our Bibles?By: Joe AymondSeries: General TeachingsAt the end of the book of Numbers (Bamidbar), Israel is ready to enter the land of promise. We may think that the next book in the story should be Joshua and the conquest of the land. But it isn't, it's Deuteronomy. In this teaching we look into some fascinating aspects of Deuteronomy that can tell us what it is and why it's in our Bibles.
- Aug 10, 2019Tisha b’Av and Why It Matters To Us
Aug 10, 2019Tisha b’Av and Why It Matters To UsBy: Joe AymondSeries: General TeachingsMost know what a somber and reflective day the 9th of Av is in the Jewish world, but we should not limit our thinking only to the Temple building itself. While the Holy Temple was and will be a glorious structure promised by God Himself throughout the Scriptures, what did and does it teach us about our God, us as His children, and our relationship. In this lesson on Tisha b'Av we consider these things in light of the Tanak and Brit Chadashah.
- Jun 22, 2019Beha’alotcha (When you set up)
Jun 22, 2019Beha’alotcha (When you set up)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Beha'alotcha | בהעלותך | When you set up Torah: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Prophets: Zechariah 2:14-4:7 Gospel: Matthew 14:14-21
- Jun 15, 2019Nasso (Lift up)
Jun 15, 2019Nasso (Lift up)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Nasso | נשא | Take upTorah: Numbers 4:21-7:89 Prophets: Judges 13:2-5 Gospel: Luke 1:11-20
- May 25, 2019The Ascension: Why 40 Days?
May 25, 2019The Ascension: Why 40 Days?By: Joe AymondSeries: General TeachingsActs 1 specifically states that Yeshua did many miracles and showed Himself for 40 days before His ascension. In this teaching, we explore the uses of the number 40 throughout Scripture and attempt to gain some understanding into this period of Yeshua's ministry.
- May 25, 2019Behar (On the mountain)
May 25, 2019Behar (On the mountain)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Behar | בהר | On the mountain Torah: Leviticus 25:1-26:2 Haftarah: Jeremiah 32:6-27 Gospel: Luke 4:14-22
- May 18, 2019Emor (Say) – Counting the Cost
May 18, 2019Emor (Say) – Counting the CostBy: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Emor | אמור | Say Torah: Leviticus 21:1-24:23 Prophets: Ezekiel 44:15-31 Gospel: Matthew 26:59-66
- May 11, 2019Kedoshim (Holy ones)
May 11, 2019Kedoshim (Holy ones)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Kedoshim | קדושים | Holy ones Torah: Leviticus 19:1-20:27 Haftarah: Amos 9:7-15 Gospel: Mark 12:28-34
- Apr 6, 2019Tazria (Conceives)
Apr 6, 2019Tazria (Conceives)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Tazria | תזריע | She will conceive Torah: Leviticus 12:1-13:59 Haftarah: 2 Kings 4:42-5:19 Gospel: Luke 2:22-35
- Mar 23, 2019Identity (Part 13)
Mar 23, 2019Identity (Part 13)By: Joe AymondSeries: IdentityThank you for spending a part of your sabbath with us. This week we will continue in our "Identity" series, beginning with Ezekiel's prophecy of the "2 sticks". We pray your time with OAM is a blessing.
- Mar 23, 2019Tzav (Command)
Mar 23, 2019Tzav (Command)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Tzav | צו | Command Torah: Leviticus 6:1-8:36 Prophets: Jeremiah 7:21-8:3, 9:22-23 Gospel: Matthew 9:10-17
- Mar 16, 2019Vayikra (and He called)
Mar 16, 2019Vayikra (and He called)By: Joe AymondSeries: Torah Portions 5778Vayikra | ויקרא | And he called Torah: Leviticus 1:1-5:26 Haftarah: Isaiah 43:21-44:23 Gospel: Matthew 5:23-30
- Mar 13, 2019Brad Scott- The Heart, YHVH’s First Work (Part 2)
Mar 13, 2019Brad Scott- The Heart, YHVH’s First Work (Part 2)By: Brad ScottSeries: Special MessagesThank you for joining Out of Ashes Ministries in DeRidder, LA as we welcome Brad Scott of Wildbranch Ministry. This is part 2 of a two-part teaching on "The Heart of the Matter, The Heart, YHVH's First Work.
- Mar 12, 2019Brad Scott- The Heart, YHVH’s First Work (Part 1)
Mar 12, 2019Brad Scott- The Heart, YHVH’s First Work (Part 1)By: Brad ScottSeries: Special MessagesThank you for joining Out of Ashes Ministries in DeRidder, LA as we welcome Brad Scott of Wildbranch Ministry. This is part 1 of a two-part teaching on "The Heart of the Matter, The Heart, YHVH's First Work.