Jan 26, 2020
IBR Ep 12- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 1)
In the last couple of episodes, we have begun to dig into the theme of exile in Scripture. For the next three weeks, I have the privilege of having my good friend, Kyle Sylvest with me as we further discuss what exile looks like and why it’s important to the Biblical narrative.
  • Jan 26, 2020IBR Ep 12- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 1)
    Jan 26, 2020
    IBR Ep 12- Exile & Hope w/guest Kyle Sylvest (Part 1)
    In the last couple of episodes, we have begun to dig into the theme of exile in Scripture. For the next three weeks, I have the privilege of having my good friend, Kyle Sylvest with me as we further discuss what exile looks like and why it’s important to the Biblical narrative.
  • Jan 25, 2020Genesis- So What? Part 1
    Jan 25, 2020
    Genesis- So What? Part 1
    If you have been following us, you know that we have spent several weeks rethinking the message of Genesis 1-4. Today, we begin answering the question "So what?". Why have we asked and sought to answer so many questions differently? How does this affect our understanding of the rest of Scripture? How do we see our responsibility as the people of God? We will address these questions and more in the next few weeks.
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  • Jan 23, 2020IBR Ep 11- Exile and Death
    Jan 23, 2020
    IBR Ep 11- Exile and Death
    When thinking through the main ideas and themes of Scripture, most don’t consider the theme of exile as a major Biblical idea. However, beginning in Genesis, woven through the whole of the Hebrew Bible, and throughout the New Testament, the theme of exile can be seen as the lens through which the Scriptures were written and interpreted. What is exile and death in a Biblical sense? Is the Bible and its Hebrew writers concerned with physical death or something different? What does exile have to do with death? We will tackle these fascinating topics in today’s episode.
  • Jan 23, 2020IBR Ep 10- Exile from the Garden
    Jan 23, 2020
    IBR Ep 10- Exile from the Garden
    As we continue our journey through the beginning chapters of Genesis, we come to the climax of the Garden narrative. Adam and Eve are banished from the Tree of Life and sent away as a result of their disobedience and disloyalty to HaShem’s instructions. Today, we’re going to begin looking at the over-arching theme of exile that begins here in the opening chapters of the Scriptures.
  • Jan 18, 2020Hanoch Young- The Courage to be Blessed
    Jan 18, 2020
    Hanoch Young- The Courage to be Blessed
    OAM is blessed to welcome Hanoch Young, Israeli tour guide and founder of Kol Yehuda. At the core of Hanoch's life is a passion to see complete restoration of all of Israel. Today, Hanoch challenges us with a relevant message on where we stand with regards to Israel. Do we have the courage to be blessed?
    Hanoch's website: https://www.kolyehuda.com/
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  • Jan 11, 2020Genesis Part 8- Exile & Hope, God’s Plan for Restoration
    Jan 11, 2020
    Genesis Part 8- Exile & Hope, God’s Plan for Restoration
    Series: Genesis
    As we think about the entirety of Scripture, we rarely think about God's story in terms of exile. However, as Adam & Eve are exiled from the garden of Eden in the beginning of the story, the entire rest of the Bible is a story of restoration and return from exile. When we begin to see this beautiful story in the pages of our Bibles, we begin to find our place in the restoration of all things.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
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  • Jan 11, 2020Genesis- Exile & Hope, God’s Plan for Restoration
    Jan 11, 2020
    Genesis- Exile & Hope, God’s Plan for Restoration
    Series: Genesis
    As we think about the entirety of Scripture, we rarely think about God's story in terms of exile. However, as Adam & Eve are exiled from the garden of Eden in the beginning of the story, the entire rest of the Bible is a story of restoration and return from exile. When we begin to see this beautiful story in the pages of our Bibles, we begin to find our place in the restoration of all things.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
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  • Jan 4, 2020Genesis Part 7- Death & Exile
    Jan 4, 2020
    Genesis Part 7- Death & Exile
    Series: Genesis
    Today, we are going to look at the theme in Scripture of death and exile. This is not something most Christians think about as a major part of the Biblical story, yet it is a concept that completely shapes the entire story, beginning in and looking back to Genesis. Ultimately, this concept takes us all the way through the book of Revelation.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
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  • Jan 3, 2020IBR Ep 9- Two Trees and Forbidden Fruit
    Jan 3, 2020
    IBR Ep 9- Two Trees and Forbidden Fruit
    Shalom everyone. In this episode, we continue our walk through the first few chapters of Genesis by picking up where we left off in last week's discussion. Genesis 2 & 3 provide some interesting reading in the form of a talking snake, trees, and some sort of forbidden fruit. Are we expected to read this as a Snow White type of story, where Adam and Eve eat of a magical apple thereby transforming their once immortal and perfect make up into a sin-sick creature? What type of "fruit" was eaten or does it even matter? Is there a bigger story being communicated here? All this and more in today's episode.
  • Dec 29, 2019Haunkkah Part 2- We’re the Temple?
    Dec 29, 2019
    Haunkkah Part 2- We’re the Temple?
    In 1 Corinthians, Paul tells us that we are the Temple. How does the Maccabean revolt and the celebration of Hanukkah shed light on what it means to be the Temple. After all, the story of Hanukkah is a story of the Temple. We indeed are the Temple. That being said, it is necessary that we understand our responsibility representing God in this world. That starts with being an appropriate corporate body wherein His presence can be at home.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
    Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching: http://www.outofashesministries.org/live/
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  • Dec 18, 2019IBR Ep 8- A Talking Snake?
    Dec 18, 2019
    IBR Ep 8- A Talking Snake?
    As we move through the first few chapters of Genesis, we find ourselves suddenly confronted with "the serpent" in chapter 3. The serpent has no introduction or back story, it simply shows up. Although there are many opinions as to who or what the serpent was, we may find it profitable to ask what the initial and ancient hearers may have understood it to be. Join the conversation as we discuss the serpent...a talking snake or something else?
  • Dec 14, 2019What Does Hanukkah Mean to Us?
    Dec 14, 2019
    What Does Hanukkah Mean to Us?
    Today we will talk about the history, importance, and practice of Hanukkah.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
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  • Dec 8, 2019IBR Ep 7- Adam in the Garden
    Dec 8, 2019
    IBR Ep 7- Adam in the Garden
    In Genesis 2, God plants a garden, places the man (Adam) in the garden, and gives Adam a specific function as it relates to the garden. What exactly is the image of the Garden? How are we to understand Adam and his function in this Garden? In this episode, we begin to look at the beautiful message of identity and function being communicated by the ancient writers.
  • Dec 8, 2019IBR Ep 6- Adam
    Dec 8, 2019
    IBR Ep 6- Adam
    What is the message of Genesis 2 and the creation of Adam? Is the creation of Adam & Chavah a re-telling of Day 6 of Creation? Were Adam & Chavah the first human beings? In this episode, we will begin to talk through some of these questions and propose some unique but fitting explanations for your consideration.
  • Dec 7, 2019Genesis Part 6- Two Trees & Forbidden Fruit
    Dec 7, 2019
    Genesis Part 6- Two Trees & Forbidden Fruit
    Series: Genesis
    Today we'll continue our discussion in the garden, particularly, the two trees, the deception of the serpent, and death & exile.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
    Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching: http://www.outofashesministries.org/live/
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  • Nov 30, 2019Genesis Recap- Where We Are So Far
    Nov 30, 2019
    Genesis Recap- Where We Are So Far
    Series: Genesis
    This morning we will be reviewing our Genesis materials from the last several weeks. We will also be finishing last week's discussion about Adam & Chavah, the garden, the serpent, and the disobedience.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
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  • Nov 24, 2019IBR Ep 5- The Whole Point of Genesis 1
    Nov 24, 2019
    IBR Ep 5- The Whole Point of Genesis 1
    Many times, maybe even most of the time, we see the Creation of Genesis 1 referred to as the “six days of Creation”. In this episode, we will explore the massive trouble and error with seeing the Creation narrative this way. We will propose that if we view the point of Genesis 1 as the six days of Creation, then we have quite possibly missed the entire, glorious, earth-shattering, point of what the author is intended to communicate.
  • Nov 24, 2019IBR Ep 4- The God Who Orders Creation
    Nov 24, 2019
    IBR Ep 4- The God Who Orders Creation
    Welcome back to IBR. We certainly hope you are enjoying the show so far because we are only getting started. In this episode, we will walk through the first 6 days of creation to see just what is being communicated. We will also see how all of the wonder creation is being attributed to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
  • Nov 23, 2019Genesis Part 5- The Serpent, the Fruit, the Trees, and Exile
    Nov 23, 2019
    Genesis Part 5- The Serpent, the Fruit, the Trees, and Exile
    Series: Genesis
    In today's teaching, we take a different look at the serpent. Who was he? What was he? We also discuss the "forbidden fruit", the two trees in the garden, and what was the real consequence of Adam & Chavah's disobedience?
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
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  • Nov 17, 2019IBR Ep 3- Genesis 1 As Poetry
    Nov 17, 2019
    IBR Ep 3- Genesis 1 As Poetry
    This week we look at Genesis 1 from a perspective that may be completely foreign, that is, as poetic narrative. When we look at Genesis 1 as simply a “lab report” of how the world was physically created, we see but a small and insignificant portion of the bigger story that God is telling.
  • Nov 17, 2019IBR Ep 2- Hebrew & Greek Thought
    Nov 17, 2019
    IBR Ep 2- Hebrew & Greek Thought
    In this episode of IBR, we have a conversation about how Greeks (Westerners) & Hebrews (Easterners) think about the world differently. This is an invaluable study as it drastically changes the way we process Scripture as a whole and Genesis in particular. Many of the troubles we have with interpreting Scripture comes from the way we ask questions. As westerners, many times we are simply asking different questions than our eastern Biblical authors. We are looking for answers they simply aren’t prepared to give.
  • Nov 16, 2019Genesis Part 4- Adam & Eve
    Nov 16, 2019
    Genesis Part 4- Adam & Eve
    Series: Genesis
    In this week's teaching, we will be looking at Adam & Eve. Who were they? What was their significance? We will look into these questions and more today.
    Visit our website: http://www.outofashesministries.org/
    Join us LIVE each Saturday at 10am Central for worship, prayer, and teaching: http://www.outofashesministries.org/live/
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  • Nov 14, 2019Ep 3- Genesis 1 As Poetry
    Nov 14, 2019
    Ep 3- Genesis 1 As Poetry
    This week we look at Genesis 1 from a perspective that may be completely foreign, that is, as poetic narrative. When we look at Genesis 1 as simply a “lab report” of how the world was physically created, we see but a small and insignificant portion of the bigger story that God is telling.
  • Nov 10, 2019Ep 2- Hebrew & Greek Thought
    Nov 10, 2019
    Ep 2- Hebrew & Greek Thought
    In this episode of IBR, we have a conversation about how Greeks (Westerners) & Hebrews (Easterners) think about the world differently. This is an invaluable study as it drastically changes the way we process Scripture as a whole. Many of the troubles we have with interpreting Scripture comes from the way we ask questions. As westerners, many times we are simply asking different questions than our eastern Biblical authors. We are looking for answers they simply aren’t prepared to give.
  • Nov 10, 2019IBR Ep 1- Introduction
    Nov 10, 2019
    IBR Ep 1- Introduction
    Welcome to Image Bearers Radio, a new podcast ministry of Out of Ashes Ministries. In this first episode, Joe introduces you to himself, tells about his background, where the Father is leading him now. joe also gives his vision for IBR. We hope you enjoy the show!