Out of Ashes Ministries was birthed out of lives that were broken and desperate for truth. Our hearts are first to know and love our King. We desire to be pleasing to Him. Only then can we be of eternal benefit to the Kingdom and the world. We believe this comes from pursuing our individual responsibility to our own kedusha (sanctification) as a child of God and from being a part of a loving, caring, and supportive community. Our goal at OAM is to provide a safe place to grow into a “tree planted by rivers of water” (Ps. 1:3) becoming an “oak of righteousness” (Is. 61:3) we learn to walk as Yeshua walked. Out of our brokenness, God will bring life!

Remnant Bible Study are our intimate Wednesday Bible Studies. We meet every Wed. evening in a “round table’ type set up and discuss the weekly parsha or topics brought up by the group. The smaller group gives us the opportunity to dissect the Word in an intimate, relaxed, and safe setting.

Shabbat Fellowships are a time for us to gather, as a larger community of believers, on the Lord’s day, the Sabbath. These gatherings are open for everyone interested in meaningful fellowship & refreshing, stimulating Scripture studies.

Online Ministry gives us a far reach with which to spread the message of Yeshua (Jesus) and the Gospel of the Kingdom.Through our website, YouTube videos, and social media, we are able to reach the nations with the Good News.

Travel & Outreach is how we physically take the revolutionary truth of the Scriptures to new places. With every opportunity we get, we are stretching outside the bounds of our local community to minister across our state, our nation, and the world.

Joe Aymond grew up in Port Barre, LA where his dad began teaching and exposing him to music at a very young age. In 1996, Joe joined together with 4 friends and formed a worship band. With the invaluable support and direction of their youth pastor, Chris Burney, Xtreme Faith traveled from Louisiana to Florida for the next 3 1/2 years leading worship for youth ministries, camps, and retreats. During this time, Joe felt the unmistakable call to ministry.
In 2000, Joe moved to DeRidder where he traveled, singing and leading worship for Evangelist Kelly Hendren. In 2001, Joe became the Student Pastor at Grace in DeRidder. During his 14 years at Grace, Joe has preached, taught, and led worship all across the country.
In mid-2006, the Father began speaking to Joe and disturbing his peace. Joe began digging and studying everything he could to find out what the Father was teaching, where He was guiding him, and what direction he was to take. Joe and his little family studied and observed Torah personally for several years until the Father called them to step out from their church staff position in 2015. After taking time to seek the Father on what to do next, Out of Ashes Ministries was born. OAM continues to grow, being a bridge for those whom the Father is awakening, and providing a safe and healthy place to come together to learn and grow in The Way of Messiah Yeshua, the Torah.
Joe currently resides in Rosepine, LA with his beautiful wife Heather and four children: Gabriella, Genevieve, Josiah, and Asher
OAM is fortunate to have wonderful leadership that diligently care for the things and people of God.
Please check back soon as we will be updating their information here.